Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of therapy and has its roots in ancient Chinese philosophy. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on a number of philosophical concepts, one of which postulates that any manifestation of disease is considered a sign of imbalance between the Ying and Yang forces within the body. In classical acupuncture theory it is believed that all disorders are reflected at specific points either on the skin surface or just below it. Vital energy circulated throughout the body along the so-called meridians, which have either Ying or Yang characteristics. According to TCM, acupuncture promotes the flow of QI (life force energy); and therefore, brings balance to the human body. A correct choice of the 361 classical acupuncture points located on these meridians for needling is believed to restore the balance in the body.
What conditions can be treated?
Low back pain (sciatica)
Neck pain
Repetitive strain injuries (carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff injuries)
Post-injury and post-surgical rehabilitation
Muscular injuries (sprains, strains, tears)
Inflammatory conditions (arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, neuritis)
Discomfort associated with pregnancy
Circulatory problems
Stress relief
How does Acupuncture help healthy people?
Acupuncture is helpful in the prevention of disease by improving the patient's state of well being through energy balance. This way, the stresses of everyday life are more easily handled, and minor health issues can be resolved before they become more deeply rooted problems.
What does it feel like?
When the needles have been placed successfully, the patient is supposed to experience a sensation know as De Chi. De Chi has been defined as a subjective feeling of fullness, numbness, tingling, and warmth with some local soreness and a feeling of distension around the acupuncture point.
*Massage Therapists and Chiropractors are certified in Acupuncture as an additional modality to their practice. This differs from an Acupuncturist